Paul Grochowski Apps

Chicks: Count Your Cash 1.1
- "Do not count your chickens before theyhatch!"- "Do not count your chickens before they hatch!"- "Do not count your chickens before they hatch!"Stop if you've heard that before. So let me ask you:Are you chicken... ENOUGH?Then forget what your Mommy taught you.* (* Spoiler Alertbelow.)Count your chickens... to count your cash!It really is that simple. Count + Collect = CASH. It says soright here. On the internet! Would the internet lie?Chicks: Count Your Cash is the ultimate pick up and play, shortburst, arcade game! It's fun for kids of all ages. Man or child.Girl or boy. It's simple arcade fun in the truest sense.What's a true arcade game? An arcade game is fast and simple.Strike that! An arcade game is fast, simple, and skill based.Chicks: Count Your Cash is most definitely fast, simple, and skillbased. There's no buying your way to the top (cause where's theskill in that?) Or any stupid DLC meant to frustrate you intowhipping out your wallet (again, where's the skill?) Zeropsychologists were employed in the design of this game. Gaming ismeant to be fun and silly; not some sinister ploy to exploitpeople.What's fun and silly? Fun is making it repeatedly rain money.Silly is having your chicks then gloat about it. Chicks: Count YourCash will allow you to repeatedly rain money (assuming you have theskill that is). So hop on down to the virtual farm and start makingit rain money. Turn those eggs into chickens into money.Just make sure to keep one eye open for any bad eggs. Bad eggswill quickly turn your cute little farm into a nest of not so cutedefeat. Do not let your carefully crafted nests be defeated. Defeatthe bad eggs and protect your farm. After all, we're not animalsare we? We may have a farm full of animals, but that doesn't meanwe have to condone acting like animals. Defeat the bad eggs andtheir animal behavior.Warning: Contains cute and silly content. Do not download if youhate cute, silly, goofy, or fun. Best appreciated by those who arekids at heart. Girl or boy.************************************************************************* Spoiler Alert: Do NOT count your chickens before they hatch!Yo Momma was right. Listen to your Momma.************************************************************************Bonus Tips:- Egg temperatures range from 1 - 9. Chicks prefer a comfytemperature. Not too hot and not too cold.- Dark blue (1) and dark red (9) = Game Over.- Chicks are preparing to hatch (incubating) while intemperature zones 4 - 6. Exiting this incubation zone resets theirhatch timer back to zero.- When an egg cools to zone 4, double tap to quickly raise itstemperature to zone 6. This buys time to worry about the othereggs. Avoid constantly single tapping your eggs. Single tappingmakes things more frantic than it needs to be. Save your singletaps for when all of your eggs are at level 5 (yellow) orhigher.- Bad eggs cool very fast and are immune to power ups. Don't getcute and let your farm be ruined by these animals. Try and hatchthem as fast as possible. Give them priority over trying to scorebonus points.- The largest amount of bonus money comes from scoring "CountYour Chickens". This bonus occurs when all chicks are hatched atthe same time. Try and sync all of your eggs to stay on the samehatch schedule. It may seem difficult at first, but you'll quicklylearn it's possible with a little bit of temperaturemanipulation.